Our Leadership


Rev. Dr. C. Dawn McDonald

Born in Victoria, British Columbia, and raised in Japan by missionary parents, C. Dawn McDonald has been an ordained Anglican priest in parish ministry for 12 years in the Anglican Church of Canada, and 13 years in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida. Rev. Dawn holds the Bachelor of Theology and Master of Divinity degrees from the College of Emmanuel and St. Chad in Saskatchewan, Canada, and the Doctor of Ministry degree in the area of Pastoral Counseling from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana, U.S.A. She has published Because You Were Here, a grief workbook, and has also co-authored Taking Love Seriously, an Anglican Agenda Series booklet whose series editor is J.I. Packer.

In her parish ministry, Rev. Dawn welcomes all who God calls to Himself, and cherishes prayer, lay participation in ministry, hospitality and laughter. She is able to relate to diverse culture groups and strives to integrate modern and traditional worship music and the wide spectrum of Anglican expression in worship.

Her hobbies include photography, mixed media art, and going to the beach.


Ellen Schwark – Sr. Warden

Gary Thomas – Jr. Warden

Pat Koplin

Kim McMaster (photo missing)

Joann Sellati (photo missing)

Gloria Thomas (Clerk)

Bill Warren (Photo missing)

Rick Schwark – Treasurer