Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is an order for women who are communicants of the churches in the Anglican Communion or in the historic Episcopate. It was founded in 1885 and adheres to the Anglican tradition of faith and worship. There are thousands of chapters and over 18,000 Daughters world-wide.

Daughters of the King is a religious order, whose Daughters take lifetime vows to live by the Rule of the Order, Rules of Prayer and Service. Because of the vows taken, we refer to ourselves as an order rather than an organization. Interested women must attend a series of classes and have a discernment period testing their commitment to the Rules before taking the vows.

The Chapter at Holy Presence is called “Joyful Daughters” and we are true to our name. We hold regular ZOOM meetings on Monday mornings at 10:00 AM. Meetings are centered around prayer, intercession requests, personal reflection, testimony and study. Women who are interested in finding out more about the Daughters of the King are warmly invited to join us.

The Prayer of the Order

O eternal Father, you have sent your Son to teach us things pertaining to your heavenly kingdom. Give your blessing to our Order, wherever it may be throughout the world. Grant that we, your Daughters, ever may discern your truth and bear the cross through the battles of our earthly life. Give us strength to overcome temptation and the grace to work to spread your kingdom and to gather your scattered sheep within your fold. Pour out upon us the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit that we may always remember it is your work we are called upon to do, that all we think, do or say may be pleasing in your sight. We ask it all for His sake, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

The Meaning Behind the Cross

The emblem of the Order is in the form of a modified Greek fleury cross inscribed in Latin, Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine, the watchword of the Order, meaning “With heart, mind and spirit uphold and bear the cross.” At the base of the cross are the letters “FHS,” initials that stand for the Motto of the Order: “For His Sake…

The emblem, never wavering from the original design, has been trademarked for the exclusive use of the Order. The cross is worn at all times. It is customarily worn on the left side over the heart or it may be worn on a silver chain around the neck, but it is never to be worn simply as an ornament. Only a member in good standing may wear the cross of the Order, which remains the property of the Order. When a Daughter dies, her cross may be buried with her or incorporated into her memorial; otherwise, it must be returned to the National Office.

From The Daughters of the King National Handbook

You can also follow this link to go to the website for The National Daughters of the King for more info